Tuesday, March 24, 2009
What I found wonderful about LUME was the careful thought that went into the whole workshop experience: the ability to buy lunch and dinner in the kitchen, the nightly demonstrations, the parade/carnival, the desire to include the larger community, the chance to perform something/anything. Most of this came as a surprise for me since I only expected to attend the workshops and bought my plane ticket with this understanding.
The second workshop with Naomi was more difficult for me...There might have been a few reasons for this one being the language barrier...but as earnest as I was to learn LUME's method I don't believe I started to understand until more towards the second half of the workshop. I learned about the "personal dance" and bit more about the history of the method which was very helpful for me to enter into the work. I learned many things from Naomi, Her class challenged me and took me beyond my limits which honestly have never been tested before in that way. I learned that confusion should not allow you to freeze as a performer and you should take that and use it, take it and discover something new and use that to express. Make it a part of your life experience and put it in your tool box. A performer is a vessel that molds and expresses and shares their emotions, their body, their ideals, their thoughts, their world view...with playfulness and openness.
- vanessa
Sunday, March 8, 2009
Then there was one.
Galen left on February 24th and to be honest I miss him. I like traveling with him. He is fun and it is nice to have a melancholic comrade. I try to tell myself that I´m not a meloncholic person. But I am. It is good to be reminded of who we are. As far as where I am... I am in this beautiful paridise... Natal. North East Brazil. On the Coast.
The beach is strewn with tourists and I hate it. I also love it because it means that it is a little safer than living in the city or one of the suburbs and I can go out at night without as much fear of being robbed. (I only say this because every local I talk to warns me of this) I try not to think about it too much, because as much as I believe it is great to be aware of your surroundings, I also believe that you manifest what you are thinking about. So if I am worried all day about getting robbed the moment I step outside, I probably will. Needless to say, so far so good. In a few days I will travel South and make my way back to Sao Paulo for my plane ride back home. I have posted a ton of photos on flickr. here´s the link... http://www.flickr.com/photos/34326624@N02/ it is completely out of any sort of order and I have not had a chance to do much cleaning up. I still have more to upload, but I have spent as much time in this internet hut/tattoo parlor than I can handle. The electronica is nice, but it is time to go.
Sunday, February 22, 2009
And then two more were in Rio
There will be pictures in the future when I can get internet access on my computer. On friday, Megan, Noah, and I participated in a great parade/exchange with Lume. Similar to a Bloco in some ways, it was a parade between theaters in Barao Gerlado. It was excellent, and there are a number of nice pictures that Mr. Jon Ferguson took. This was followed by the most amazing Samba band. About 12 drumers and a number of other musicians. I was about to go out for food when the drums beat together and I was physically compelled to the dance floor! It touches you in belly, on the souls of your feet, and most in your heart.
Monday, February 16, 2009
Thursday, February 12, 2009
Back From Rio de Janiero
Wednesday, February 11, 2009
The leader, Jesser, is a very special instructor. The combination of rigor and compassion and intuition and wisdom I have found in my experience to be very rare and I feel fortunate to have participated in this workshop not only for Jesser's thoughtful instruction but also additionally for the unique content of the course. Technical Training for the Actor II breaks down for the participant some very difficult concepts to understand as a performer in a very practical, applicable way. This course speaks to the basic concepts of a performer's work - how to create intension within the performer's body towards expression.
As someone who is recovering from knee surgery, a sprained ankle, and a severely strained foot, I learned once again to empower by body and mind through courage, play, and action.
Tuesday, February 10, 2009
from one of the largest cities on the planet...
Well, I've been here in Brazil since January 28th, and it's the 10th today, so I suppose that makes it 14 days. Two weeks. Time is flying. Brazil is a beautiful country. People are friendly and helpful and always willing to try to understand my broken Portuguese. Which is nice because I really stumble thru it. We've finished our 1st class. "technical training for the actor II" on Sunday. It was an amazing experience. In essence, it was actor training in the methodology of how Lume creates work. The type of lessons, the professor's insights and all the participants pushing themselves further and further each day was inspiring and unforgettable. Our next class begins on Friday. It is called, "from Energy to Action" I think it will be very rigorous. The professor is an amazing performer herself and I think she will pass on her excitement and commitment to us. In the mean time, Galen and I are in Sao Paulo. Yesterday we explored the city a bit. It is surprisingly clean, green and easy to navigate. There was a law passed recently that required all billboards be taken down. it really is noticible how the beauty of the city comes out when the clutter of signs are removed. Today we are going to cach a bus and travel to a small town on the beach called Itamambuca near Parati. And if we don't make it today, we'll go tomorrow. We are supposed to catch the noon bus and it is already after ten. We move kind of slow. It must be all the yucca.
I am slowly learning portuguese and even hired a woman to teach me one on one. It is a difficult language, but I feel like I'm gettng better at it and most important more confident and comfortable. Besides, if I can't communicate with language, I mime it, or act it out. That usually works too. And it's entertaining to watch a really tall and very pale gringo acting silly.
Well, I need to get going, the cidade awaits.
Saturday, February 7, 2009
Audience Participation
Thursday, February 5, 2009
Agua de Coco
Monday, February 2, 2009
yesterday's wall, today's flow
Sunday, February 1, 2009
Staying at Pedro's
Saturday, January 31, 2009
Thomas loves Samba
Dinner with Pedro
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Monday, January 26, 2009
It is extremely exciting to head south not just because of weather in which there is no worry of freezing to death on your doorstep, but because we've been planning this trip for so long and have had such amazing support from everyone. Thank you! Enjoy the trip right here and the ice shanties we'll be missing.